Please consider this a recommendation for CFW in that you have provided us with unique and artistic products over the course of many years to our satisfaction and credit. We appreciate the work that you continue to do for Niedermaier.

Judith Niedermaier, Owner
Chicago, Illinois

Twice in the past 4 years I've had the distinct pleasure of working with Paul and Joe Albarran of CFW. From early 2002 through its completion in 2003 their studio was extensively involved in the Downtown Ducks public art exhibit in Highland, Indiana. Their artistic aptitude in interpreting the sculptures and the production values used to manufacture were both critical to bringing each piece to life. In 2006, when I became involved with the 3 county public art project, the County Seats Project, there was no doubt as to which company would be awarded that commission. Once again their talents proved inestimable to the success of the program.Further, I wish to emphasize their commitment to the quality of their product and the importance they placed on meeting our deadlines for product delivery for both projects.

Thank you,
Patricia Popa, President
Highland Downtown Association
Project Coordinator for 'Downtown Ducks' and 'County Seats Project'

On behalf of the Lansing Historical Society and the Village of Lansing thank you for helping us make our first public art project an outstanding success. Without the help and guidance of you, and everyone at CFW, our project would not have been possible.

Our project, Tri Motors in Plane View, started out as a vision to preserve a historic landmark and to bring together a community for a common cause. Your impressive work, and the creative talents of your brother Joe, made our vision a reality. We did indeed involve our entire community, including every classroom student in town, our service organizations, churches, and businesses.

We have been notified by the Illinois Arts Alliance and the Illinois Municipal League that Lansing is now a designated 'Illinois Arts Friendly Community' because of our public art project. Congratulations to CFW Paul, for without you, we would not have been a recipient of this honor.

It has been a pleasure working with you and CFW Paul. The highlight of this project for me was watching my entire community smile as our whimsical Tri Motor airplanes taught us all about history, art appreciation, and volunteerism.

As Tri Motors In Plane View comes to a close, we are thankful for our friendship with you, and would be glad to help you in any way we can with your future endeavors.

Patricia L. Eidam
Lansing Village Trustee
Project Coordinator for 'Tri Motors In Plane View'
Lansing, Illinois

Just wanted to let you know that our project was a wonderful success and wanted to thank all of you for your help. The bulldog was amazing and truly could win Best of Show at the Westminster. Our downtown never had such a busy summer with everyone coming to visit all forty-four of our dogs. Not only did the public love the project but we have received phone calls from other towns who want to duplicate our success. We have since forwarded your number to them!!

When we first started this whole project we were flying by the seat of our pants. Thanks to your business knowledge and professionalism, we pulled everything together with fantastic results. Many people have requested we repeat another public art project so you will be hearing from us again.

Stewards of the Square
Project Coordinators for 'Best in Show'
Crown Point, Indiana

I wanted to write you regarding the Fields Gallery and express my appreciation for the work that your company produced for our project. The amount of detail and coordination that were required for a successful project was great, and CFW was more than up to the task.The finished Bath with all of the panels in place is an extraordniary piece of work. Your even demeanor and pride in details of all of the fabricated components are qualities that helped make this project possible.

I am looking forwad to an opportunity to work with you again in the future. I can honestly say that I would highly recommend CFW to anyone that is looking to have any custom fiberglass fabrication work produced. I found CFW willing to work through even the smallest details while keeping a close watch on the big picture issues. A great product was possible through a creative fabrication process.

Mark Weber, Principal
Wheeler Kearns Architects
Chicago, Illinois