At any given time you will see the strangest things at our factory.  Product for Kohl Children's Museum, Hobart Indiana, St. Joseph Michigan, Cedar Rapids Iowa.


Books are Hot and reading is Hotter

Books, books, books

At the Albarran home we have always stressed the importance of reading.  And it has reaped great rewards for our children.  Having the opportunity to build a this functional piece of furniture and artwork is a great pleasure.  

Fiberglass Book Benches

We welcome all public art exhibitors to get involved in a Sit n Read Parade.  We are in the prototype stage and will update as our fiberglass book bench comes to life.

American Gothic Public Art Project (Fiberglass Sculptures)

Welcome to our blog!   In addition to making amazing fiberglass statues we are now writing about it.  We have a really cool project that started last month.  Grant Wood's American Gothic is being celebrated by his home town Cedar Rapids, Iowa.   This mid western fiberglass public art exhibit is going by the name of "Overalls all Over".  We want to thank Jennifer Pruden  and Kristie Wetjen for  bringing CFW on board for this project.